Kids Rise Virtual Parent Workshop Thursday, January 11th at 9:00 am FREE SAVE FOR COLLEGE PROGRAM!Kids Rise Account Activation WORKSHOP for K-5 StudentsThursday, January 11 at 9:00 AM on Google Meet flyer for more details
We are very proud to announce for the 1st time ever the launch of THE PS2 APP!! Our App has all the details of our brand new website right on your phone, or other mobile device. Download our new App by searching: Zimberg2Q in your App store.
District 30 Trunk or Treat! Sponsored by D30 Supeintendent Lisa Hidalgo's officeFriday, October 27th4:30 - 8:00pmAstoria Park parking lotFree entry!Withe the support of the D30 Presidents Council, CEC 30, and the 114th Precinct
Annual PS 2Q Pumpkin Patch, hosted by our amazing PTA! Tuesday, October 24,2023Rain or ShineThe cost to “Pick a Pumpkin” will be $6.00 per pumpkin. (limit 1 Pumpkin per Child)Remember, all P.S.2 PTA fundraisers support OUR school.The more we raise, the more we can give back to our school!
Parent Workshop on IEP Program Recommendations In this workshop you will learn about the different kinds of program recommendations on the IEP and understand the criteria for each type of program.Date: October 25th, 2023Time: 12 NoonRegister using the link or QR code on the attached flyerHTTPS://FORMS.GLE/WMEVBWSXYNHDFINP8*See the "Workshops" page under Parent Information for more information & translated flyers
Family Fun Activity! We welcome all families into the building for a wonderful family filled afternoon. Come and enjoy an arts and craft with your child and their classmates. Details:Date: 10/16/2023Time: 02:20- 03:15 PMLocation: Child’s Classroom
Title I Parent Meeting (virtual) October 13, 2023 at 8:30amCome join us to discuss the school’s participation in the Title I program and how you can be involved in support of your child’s education.