PS2Q The Alfred Zimberg School Home

The oringinal PS2 building, displayd as brown brick, with a flag in front and various green and pink trees.
The new eddition to the school building, displayed as a gray concrete building with two trees in front of it.

Our Mission

The mission of P.S. 2Q is to provide a solid academic foundation with an emphasis on social-emotional well-being and equity for all. We will maximize the potential of every student and support their individual needs, thereby preparing all students to be the global citizens of tomorrow.

News & Announcements


This is a friendly reminder of our virtual PTA meeting tonight at 6:30 PM.
Click on the link below to join us.
Our next Climate Action Day theme is Health, Wellness, and Green Space!
Suggestions for Community Action on April 9th.
Be “Plant-Powered” – encourage everyone to eat at least two plant-based meals
Take a Wellness Pledge – create a pledge to commit to a healthy practice
2-Minute Meditation – set aside time for meditation using Mindful Breathing activities
“Sit with Nature” Day – make an effort to spend time outdoors
For more information, please click here for a flyer with translations
Here at PS2Q, we will be kicking off Climate Action Day with an assembly with "Dinoman" on April 2nd for all students.
On April 9th we have the Queens County Farm museum doing a presentation, as well as Ms. Esquierdo doing a video tour of the STEAM/Hydroponic lab!

Lost and Found

Our lost and found is full again! We’ve accumulated many items since earlier this school year, including coats, sweaters, hats, glasses, lunchboxes, and water bottles. To help you identify anything that might belong to your child, we’ve attached a video and pictures of the items.

If you recognize any of the items, please email Ms. Pinto ([email protected]) or Ms. Trinidad ([email protected]) with a detailed description. We’ll make sure the item gets back to your child.

Thank you!
Attendance Survey Contest

Friendly Reminders

This is a friendly reminder to wear green on Monday, March 17.

We’re excited to inform you that the school is hosting a contest where your child's classroom can win a pizza party! The first class that achieves a 100% completion rate on the school survey will not only win the pizza party. The grade with the most surveys handed in will have the chance to duct-tape our Principal Ms. Serafin. Let the games begin!

Also, we are organizing two workshops for Summer Rising: today, Friday, March 14, from 3:00 to 4:30 PM, and Wednesday, March 19, from 10:00 to 11:00 AM. Both workshops will take place in person. If you need help applying for Summer Rising, feel free to stop by!

Additionally, we sent home information yesterday about free scholarships for kindergarten through 5th grade. This is a fantastic opportunity to start saving money for your child's future education.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to Ms. Trinidad at [email protected].

Important News

This is a friendly reminder about the NYC School Survey. It is very important for us to complete this survey, so please take a moment to fill it out. You can access and complete it in three different ways:

1. Students have received paper copies of the survey to bring home.
2. Scan the QR code to access the online survey.
3. Use your NYC Schools account to log in.

The Summer Rising application will be open until March 28. To assist parents with the application process, we will host two events in person:

Friday, March 14, from 3:00 to 4:30 PM
Wednesday, March 19, from 10:00 to 11:00 AM

Please note that this program is only available for students in kindergarten and above. All students, including those who are mandated, must submit an application. It is a lottery-based program.

Additionally, we would like to share information about other events for parents. Please check the attached flyers for more details.

Upcoming Events


21st Century Learning

Our new extension houses a brand new state of the art pre-school that includes both 3K and Pre-K. The 3rd floor of our extension houses our brand new enrichment center! We have a fully equipped visual arts room, dance studio, music room, and advanced STEM Lab. With grants, our students receive dance and music. Our full-time art teacher and STEM teacher have programs that are leading our children to being creative global citizens of tomorrow!